
About Us


The Way of Remembering Pilgrimage into African spirituality is an exciting, hands-on participatory immersion into the culture, spirituality, and history of Benin. The study tour addresses the topics of slavery, reconciliation, spirituality, and seeks ways to strengthen humanity and the world in which we live. Taking place in the Republic of Benin this journey typically takes place in the Kingdom of Akbanankin. The conclusion of the pilgrimage allows participants to go deeper into African spirituality through sessions taught by a team of African traditional healers and spiritual leaders led by President of PROMETRA International, Dr. Erick Gbodossou. 

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PROMETRA International

PROMETRA was established in 1971 and is an international NGP headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, whose purpose is to preserve African traditional medicine, culture, and indigenous science through research, education, advocacy, and practice. Headquartered in Dakar, Senegal with a total of twenty-eight (28) chapters in Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and USA. PROMETRA International conducts scientific research, hosts international conferences and cultural exchanges, publishes a quarterly bilingual journal entitled Medecin Verte, and coordinates a diaspora-wide network.